Water and sewer renewals program

Our role
Various sites, Byron Shire Council, New South Wales
- Investigations and feasibility assessments
- Odour and corrosion investigations
- Water main concept and detailed designs
- Sewer pump station concept and detailed design
- Sewer rising main concept and detailed design
- Recycled water main concept and detailed design
- Project management of various infrastructure projects
- Preparation of tender and contract documentation
- Site superintendence services
- Construction and contract management.
Planit has worked extensively with Byron Shire Council to assist them in delivering their water and sewer asset renewal and capital works programs.
Planit has been engaged to undertake numerous projects including water main renewals, sewer pump station and rising main augmentations, recycled water assets, wastewater treatment plant augmentation, odour investigation trials, asset condition assessments and replacement design, construction supervision and project management services.
Due to the extensive knowledge of Planit’s water and sewer infrastructure team, we are able to draw on our unique set of skills and experience to meet the challenges faced by Council in providing water and sewer services.