Dunloe Urban Release Area

Our role
2018 – Current
Pottsville, New South Wales
- Project lead and liaison
- Strategic planning
- Environmental planning
Planit has been engaged by the landowners of the Dunloe Park Urban Release Area to guide the development of a masterplan for this development to enable a genuine live-work-play community.
Dunloe Park Urban Release Area is identified as the final land release area within the Pottsville locality and one of four remaining growth areas along Tweed’s coastal strip. When completed, the Dunloe Park Urban Release Area is anticipated to deliver:
- residential development with an approximate population of 4,000 people
- a two-hectare school site with adjoining sports fields and community facilities
- a local neighbourhood centre containing retail land uses and a child care centre
- a variety of low-density, medium-density residential and mixed use housing
- a sub-district level commercial, retail and industrial precinct
- high-quality open space and public domain areas
- key environmental embellishments, including koala corridors.
Planit is leading a multi-disciplinary team to advance the masterplan and facilitate the rezoning of land in consultation with both Tweed Shire Council staff, elected representatives and key State agencies. The successful delivery of the Dunloe Park Urban Release Area will support improvements to the Tweed coast’s koala habitat and population and secure housing delivery consistent with Tweed’s anticipated growth targets to 2036.