A planning application put forward by Planit on behalf of client, Assistance Dogs Australia (ADA) has been approved by Penrith City Council.
It means ADA can now establish their new Assistance Dogs Australia National Training Facility located in Orchard Hills, Western Sydney (NSW). The centre will be the first purpose community centre, used to teach assistance dogs specialised tasks which alleviate the effects of their handlers’ disability.
The handlers are trained to ensure they are receiving the maximum benefit from their assistance dog to alleviate the effects of their physical disability or mental health disorder
Planit’s Engineering, Landscaping and Planning experts played a critical role over five years to obtain the approval. Planit lodged a development application in mid-2017, receiving consent for the works in January 2019.
Several site efficiencies were uncovered when progressing the DA approved designs to detailed construction documentation, which would improve the overall functionality of the centre.
Planit worked alongside the architect and project lead consultant to assist with a number of these site redesigns as well as preparing the relevant documentation to formally seek changes to the development consent that reflect the improved site outcomes.
After sixteen months of negotiations with Council, the approval for the amended works has now been granted, allowing the project to progress to construction.